Western Australia Bundu Times June/July 1995

M'dalas Report by Arthur Hutson.

Due to  a spate  of illnesses our attendance for April 1995 was down
to 47  from March's  52.   Members  present  were  united  in  their
sincerity in wishing the ailing members a speedy recovery.

It was  most pleasant  to welcome visitors to our April do - Charles
and Adele  Scott currently  in the Goldfields but originally Que Que
(Union Carbide)  and their  Perth resident daughter, Amanda English.
By co-incidence  also from  the Goldfields were 'Chuck' and Margaret
Warren.  We hope that you enjoyed the gathering.

Our Chairman,  or do we say "Person" is away in Zimbabwe and RSA and
we look  forward to  Doreen Hutsons'  return to hear her impressions
first hand.

Thanks again  to Doug  Lyon for  giving us  a resume of his readings
from the  Zimbabwe Financial  Gazette.   We might  persuade  him  to
become a  regular 'news' contributor to the Bundu Times.  Talking of
which, at  the behest  of the  Executive Committee,  we asked  for a
volunteer to  take over  editorship to relieve Jenny but our request
fell on  deaf ears  and a  stony silence.  Sorry Jenny you will just
have to continue your sterling efforts.  Funnily enough when we then
asked the M'dalas if the ladies would judge a Rhodesian Baby Contest
if one  were arranged  the members  regained both  their hearing and
vocal cords in an emphatic "IKONA" and other ribald remarks!

On the  27th April  1995 we  held our  outing to  Botanical Golf  in
Joondalup which  had been laid on by Doug Learmonth.  Sixteen people
participated in  spite of  the rain,  and the  majority tried  their
skills at  the 18  mini holes.   Winners of the so called tournament
were "ringers"  Peter and  Margaret Dean.  Ruth Learmonth won Ladies
"booby" prize.  No need to mention Male "booby"!  The Botanical Golf
situated in  Burns Beach  Road, Wanneroo  (telephone 405  1475) is a
delightful spot  set in the most beautiful gardens, and well worth a
visit by  families especially  for the young ones to play mini golf.
There are  picnic and  barbecue facilities  for B.Y.O.  or there are
full refreshment  facilities (excluding alcohol).  The amount of new
homes going up in the area is quite incredible and in itself worth a
drive around.

In closing  I would  like to  pay tribute to JAMES (Jimmy) WHITEHEAD
who passed  away recently  after a short illness in RSA.  He will be
remembered for  his sterling  efforts in ensuring continuity of fuel
supplies during  the initial  stages of  our UDI, which activity was
done unbeknown to his overseas principals.  He introduced the famous
"Grey Ladies",  bowsers which  ran fuel  into the  country when  all
legitimate sources  had been  closed.   He also  helped  keep  alive
during those  traumatic year,  with liberal  financial contributions
form the  Company, many  motor sports,  cricket, rugby, golf, bowls,
horse racing  and African  soccer.   This was  done  on  a  strictly
"incognito" basis.   Thanks  Jimmy and "Go Well".  He is survived by
his three  daughters, his wife Cynthia having predeceased him by two

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