Western Australia Bundu Times 1995

Our Kind of People


PATRICIA INGRAM-GILLSON was born in Devon, England to Frank and Phyl Ingram-Gillson (ex Umtali). Trish is one of three children with sister Bridget and brother Simon, all whom enjoyed a very loving and secure family environment. Early schooling was done at a public school in Somerset before her parents decided to return to Rhodesia. Being now twelve years old Trish was in an envious position amongst her peers. She had enjoyed her formative years in England and was able to thus adapt easily to her new life in Southern Africa with all its new adventures and opportunities. On arriving in Salisbury the family settled in Greendale and Trish and Bridget were enroled at Roosevelt Girls High School.

After completing the usual high school curriculum the two girls decided to exercise their independence and move away from home into a flat in town. The very most was made of each day and the nights were spent partying into the small hours before catching a few winks in readiness for work the next morning. It was during these hey days that Trish met a young B.S.A.P. chap by the name of Rob Johns and this led to marriage at the very tender age of 19. The couple moved and set up home in Johannesburg where their first born son, Gavin now aged 25 was born. Life in johannesburg was hectic and lively but after only three years there they returned to Salisbury where Trish now pregnant again produced her second son, Steven now 23years old in the Lady Chancellor. The Chancellor was then a good deal more welcoming than it is these days! Both boys are presently in South Africa monitoring the elections there in their occupation. You guessed it - also media! Unfortunately, now with two small children cracks were appearing in this marriage and a trial separation was needed. Bags and boys were packed up and Trish headed for England but after three months it was decided to call it a day and 1978 saw the end to this marriage. This left Trish coping alone with Gavin and Steven then only aged 5 and 3 but with the help of her mum and friends and family, and not being a negative person she had to get her life together.

An advertisement for "continuity Announcer" came her way and with gay abandon she auditioned and still startled she accepted the job. This involved looking pretty with a big basket of flowers on a little table next to a chair and announcing the program line-up for the evening. Television sets are always portrayed as being full of glamour so when Trish had to pick up her basket and walk to all sorts of little nooks and crannies around the TV stations to be filmed doing her bit she decided that there had to be more to being a TV personality than this. With a distinctly aristocratic voice and a bubbling personality which exudes vibrancy and charm it wasn't long before produces and bosses n oticed her qualities and her media career was earnestly launched. Work on Radio Jacaranda and the television show "Rolling Home Show" were her first main works apart from the news reading. This proved a hectic schedule as she had the boys to care for, work all day long and often late into the evenings, often radio programs after the evening news broadcast (7.45pm), and she still needed time for herself. Another home move had to be made, this time from town to Borrowdale which was much more convenient to everyone. Blackberry Productions were now her employers and this involved not only her normal television work, but radio work and also commercials made for both radio and television, bu t despite the long hours a social life now had to be squeezed in too. Present husband Chris Cant, a tall dark and handsome television engineer happened to be working with Trish during the annual Troops Christmas show and managed to catch her eye. This relationship developed during the busy social scenes of the Christmas Cheer shows and finally they were married in August 1980, coming out to Perth for their honeymoon.

Brother Simon married Louisa Webb from Zambia and with their two children Amy (3 y.o.) and son, Kevin (18 months) arrived in Perth as recently as 1993 but Trish's older sister Bridget married to Palle Steensen had been living in Perth since 1978 with their son Andrew (now 22 years old). After a wonderful honeymoon in Perth the Cants returned to Zimbabwe as it now was and proceeded with immigration processes. Frank Ingram-Gillson had passed away in 1979 and mum, Phyl had decided that she would like to live in Perth with Bridget but had not mentioned this to Trish for fear of hurting her feelings. Meanwhile Trish too didn't want to upset mum so she too kept their decisions quiet - finally at the last minute all had to be revealed and now the entire family is happily ensconced in Perth.

In February 1981 Chris and Trish along with Gavin and Steven arrived in Perth where they stayed in the Tuart Hill migration flats before moving to a rented property in Marmion. This new country was full of opportunity and they quickly settled into the way of life. Chris was employed by Taimac a video production agency where he stayed for 18 months before moving on to Channel 7 in 1982 where he has been ever since. Trish worked for the courts monitoring and recording the court cases and then joined Frog Productions doing television work and advertising. Now settled they bought a house in Duncraig and in 1983 son Matthew was born followed closely in 1984 by daughter Emma. Gavin and Steven were at this stage completing their high school education at Duncraig Senior High, already having decided to follow in Dad's footsteps in the media world. Trish enjoyed time at home with the two little children prior to working flexi-time doing commercials but when the little ones started at Duncraig Primary school Trish became a merchandiser for the Diners Club International. This lasted a year before she joined her present company who represent magazine publishers and for whom she works a couple of days each week during school hours. Emma and matthew are presently at Poynter Primary School in Duncraig which is closer to their new home in Duncraig south

News on some of our special television personalities :
Jill Baker is now living in Adelaide where she runs a successful consultancy, event and conference management business in partnership with Trevor Keeling
Geoffrey Atkins is here in Perth and is a close friend of the Cant family.
Pauline Bailley and John Pank are in England
Naomi Buch passed away a few years ago.
Allan Riddell is still in Zimbabwe and active in the entertainment world.
Martin Locke along with many others is still in South Africa.
John Keeling still in UK.Marita Keeling passed away in England in January 2000.

Trish is very involved in her church, St Nicholas Anglican of Duncraig where she works hard on the vestry committee. Other interests include tennis, theatre, reading, walking, animals, parties and she admits to liking not just a little but a great deal of good Chardonay and other Australian wines! Her hopes for the future are continued happiness, a good education for her younger children and hopes that her older sons return to Australia and remain settled here providing her with lots of grandchildren.

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