Don't let the world forget us

Don't let the world forget us!
A plea - with desperate eyes
Stooped shoulders - feeble voice
A life - a diet - not of food -
of Violence and Lies!

Don't let the world forget us!
But no one seems to care
His eyes are dark, they tell of pain,
Torture - troubled death.
Because the world will not hear!

Don't let the world forget us!
His eyes dim with resignation
No one cares - His life's destroyed
Or about this jewel -
This Nation!

Don't let the world forget us!
He mumbles in his sleep
Too weak to walk or to protest.
Terror rules his mind -
Devours his soul - too weary to weep.

Don't let the world forget us!
He sighs and turns away
It seems they have forgotten us
With other wars to fight!
I guess we'll have go alone…..Remember - Our Own Way!

© Pam Crowther

This page last modified on Monday, 14 October, 2002