My window is open and welcomes the night
The evening shadows - the softened light.
Our world is at peace and our lives secure -
Not damaged, destroyed and ripped by war!Yesterday we lived with that terror and fear,
Death and danger ever present and near.
We chose to leave - chose to go away,
Others said, "this is our home, it's where we stay".Their lives are once again on the very edge
Of sanity and fear, terror and death.
The fear that softened with the passage of time
Is now back with a vengeance to scream, "You're Mine!"A loud noise, a muffled sound, a dog's bark
Even a moving shadow in the dark
Is enough to tear into their shattered nerves
There is no support, no friend - just fear and foe…..Where do they run? Where do they go?
In the local hall, in silence, they pray to God -
To help them - because no one else will…..
When dear God will this Savage land be still?© Pam Crowther
Pam Crowther